Full details of what's planned over the next few week's can be found in the weekly Notice Sheet or current Parish Calendar
Regular services and activities
Many of our services are also livestreamed to the Wickford & Runwell C of E Churches Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/WickfordandRunwellCofE. St Andrew’s and St Catherine’s are open through the day throughout the week, and St Mary’s on request.
All three churches will now hold services on a Sunday morning – please note one service will not be a Holy Communion service each week, rotating around the 3 churches., in order St Andrew’s, St Catherine’s and St Mary’s.
1st Sunday of the Month March 2nd April 6th
09:30 Worship – St Mary’s Eucharist Eucharist
10:00 All age worship – St Andrew’s All-age Eucharist All-age Service
11:00 Worship - St Catherine’s Eucharist Eucharist
2nd Sunday of the Month March 9th April 13th (Palm Sunday)
08:00 Worship – St Catherine’s Eucharist
09:30 Worship – St Mary’s Eucharist Eucharist
10:00 Worship – St Andrew’s Morning Praise Eucharist
11:00 All age worship - St Catherine’s All-age Eucharist All-age Service
3rd Sunday of the Month March 16th April 20th (Easter Day)
05:30 Worship – St Mary’s Eucharist
08:00 Worship – St Catherine’s Eucharist
09:30 All age worship – St Mary’s All-age Eucharist All-age Eucharist
10:00 Worship – St Andrew’s Eucharist Eucharist
11:00 Worship - St Catherine’s Mattins Eucharist
4th Sunday of the Month March 23rd April 27th
09:30 Worship – St Mary’s Eucharist Eucharist
10:00 Worship – St Andrew’s Eucharist Morning Praise
11:00 Worship - St Catherine’s BCP Eucharist Eucharist
5th Sunday of the Month March 30th
10:30 Worship – St Catherine’s Eucharist with Holy Baptism
(Joint Service with the Bishop of Bradwell)
Ash Wednesday (5 March) -
Eucharists with the Imposition of Ashes - 10.30 am at St Andrew's and 8.00 pm at St Mary's.
Sunday Evenings
View recent recordings of services here, read the Team Rector's sermons here and those by Mike Tricker here.
Our regular monthly events include:
First week of the month
A third Bible Study group meets monthly, contact Sue Wise for more information.
Messy Church is a way of being church for families and others. It is Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration. Messy Church is bi-monthly on Saturday afternoons. Click here for more information and see the latest Parish Calendar for upcoming dates.
Many of our services are also livestreamed to the Wickford & Runwell C of E Churches Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/WickfordandRunwellCofE. St Andrew’s and St Catherine’s are open through the day throughout the week, and St Mary’s on request.
All three churches will now hold services on a Sunday morning – please note one service will not be a Holy Communion service each week, rotating around the 3 churches., in order St Andrew’s, St Catherine’s and St Mary’s.
1st Sunday of the Month March 2nd April 6th
09:30 Worship – St Mary’s Eucharist Eucharist
10:00 All age worship – St Andrew’s All-age Eucharist All-age Service
11:00 Worship - St Catherine’s Eucharist Eucharist
2nd Sunday of the Month March 9th April 13th (Palm Sunday)
08:00 Worship – St Catherine’s Eucharist
09:30 Worship – St Mary’s Eucharist Eucharist
10:00 Worship – St Andrew’s Morning Praise Eucharist
11:00 All age worship - St Catherine’s All-age Eucharist All-age Service
3rd Sunday of the Month March 16th April 20th (Easter Day)
05:30 Worship – St Mary’s Eucharist
08:00 Worship – St Catherine’s Eucharist
09:30 All age worship – St Mary’s All-age Eucharist All-age Eucharist
10:00 Worship – St Andrew’s Eucharist Eucharist
11:00 Worship - St Catherine’s Mattins Eucharist
4th Sunday of the Month March 23rd April 27th
09:30 Worship – St Mary’s Eucharist Eucharist
10:00 Worship – St Andrew’s Eucharist Morning Praise
11:00 Worship - St Catherine’s BCP Eucharist Eucharist
5th Sunday of the Month March 30th
10:30 Worship – St Catherine’s Eucharist with Holy Baptism
(Joint Service with the Bishop of Bradwell)
Ash Wednesday (5 March) -
Eucharists with the Imposition of Ashes - 10.30 am at St Andrew's and 8.00 pm at St Mary's.
Sunday Evenings
- 6.30 pm – Reflective Evening Prayer at St Mary’s (second Sunday), Healing Eucharist at St Andrew’s (third Sunday), Evensong at St Catherine’s (fourth Sunday), Songs of Praise at St Catherine’s (fifth Sunday)
- Sunday 3 November, 6.30 pm, St Andrew's - Commemoration for the Departed.
- 9.00 am – Morning Prayer at St Andrew’s
- 2.00 – 4.00 pm – Meet and Make in St Andrew’s Centre
- 9.00 am – Morning Prayer at St Catherine’s
- 10.00 am – 12 noon – Coffee Morning in St Mary’s Hall
- 10.30 am – Holy Communion Service at St Andrew’s
- 9.00 am – Morning Prayer at St Mary’s
- 7.00 - 9.00 pm - Unveiled, our regular fortnightly Friday night arts and performance event at St Andrew’s Church. Includes concerts, exhibitions, open mic nights, performances, talks and more! See flyer below for full details of the Autumn programme
- 9.30 am – 12 noon - Coffee Morning in St Andrew's Centre
- 10.00 am - 12 noon - Saturday Solace, 10-minute reflection and Christian mindfulness sessions repeated every 15 minutes (1st and 2nd Saturday's, see flyer below for more information)
View recent recordings of services here, read the Team Rector's sermons here and those by Mike Tricker here.
Our regular monthly events include:
First week of the month
- Thursday - Mothers' Union - Quiet time (from 11:45 am) followed by lunch and meeting in St Andrew’s Centre
- Saturday - Coffee Morning from 9.30 am in St Catherine's Hall and Saturday Solace in St Catherine's Church from 10.00 am - 12 noon
- Wednesday - Mothers' Union, 2:00 pm, Meeting in St Catherine's Hall
- Thursday - Prayer and Meditation, 4.15pm in St Catherine's Church
- Thursday - House Group, 10.00 am at 2 Adam Way
A third Bible Study group meets monthly, contact Sue Wise for more information.
Messy Church is a way of being church for families and others. It is Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration. Messy Church is bi-monthly on Saturday afternoons. Click here for more information and see the latest Parish Calendar for upcoming dates.
Prayer throughout the day – you can download a free app from the Church of England called ‘Time to Pray’ - https://www.chpublishing.co.uk/books/9780715121221/common-worship-time-to-pray.
There is also a link to an order of service for ‘Spiritual Communion When Unable to Attend a Celebration of Holy Communion’ at https://www.chelmsford.anglican.org/uploads-new/pages/Spiritual_Communion.pdf.
Don’t forget that we are available to pray for you at any time, see Contact Us for our details.
Schools Work
There are 12 schools in the parish, and the clergy take assemblies in many. Both clergy and laity have roles as school governors. Churches across Wickford have provided input for an ongoing discussion group at Beauchamps High School, where there is also an annual multi-faith panel with questions from sixth form students. ‘Open the Book’, with a team of volunteer actors from the parish, takes the stories of the Bible into two primary schools. St Andrew’s is building closer links with the special school, Castledon School, whose older students now help run a weekly coffee morning (Poppies Cafe) in the church centre. All our churches have hosted visits from the local schools for services or for curriculum purposes.
There are close ties, especially for St Catherine’s, with Wickford CE Infant School, the only church school in the parish, where a weekly act of worship is led by a lay member of staff or by clergy: the school leadership was responsible for the establishment of the HEARTS Academy Trust in 2011. If your child is a pupil at Wickford Church of England Infant School and you would like to get in touch with Emma Doe please click here.
Ministry in Care Homes
Regular visits, including worship, are made by clergy and the pastoral team to four of the five care homes in the parish.